Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse, Twin Lakes Corps of Engineer campground near Clemson, SC

18-24 Aug 2017, Solar Eclipse trip to SC and family visit in VA. With all the hype about the solar eclipse, we decided to go see it! We were late looking for reservations at any campgrounds directly under the eclipse path, but finally found one near Clemson, SC. We went to Twin Lakes COE campground situated on Lake Hartwell. Total eclipse was fantastic! We got some amazing photos and it was like a party atmosphere. I got a short video after the eclipse started and it was fun watching it as it quickly got dark and everyone was hooting and hollering! Normally when it starts to get dark yo see shadows getting longer and a sun descending on the horizon, but with an eclipse overhead, the shadows never stretch out and the sun is straight above you! Our son Greg and family traveled down from VA and stayed at a hotel nearby and spent the eclipse day with us. Kids enjoyed kayaking in our big green sit-on-top kayak. Nice campground! We then headed to Rocky Knob campground on the Blue Ridge parkway for 1 night. We used the RV loop, since the other loop had sites too small to fit both our 16' Scamp camper and the tow vehicle (it would fit one or the other, but not both). We had a pull through site, many available this time of year. Headed to VA for a couple of days with our son and family, and then home.